Strengthen your faith. Support your parish. Spread the Gospel to your community. Join the Knights of Columbus and become a better Catholic man.
Since 1882, the Knights of Columbus has brought Catholic men together to live their values of charity, unity and fraternity.
The Knights of Columbus come together in fraternity to support the parish, help the needy and become better Catholic men.
Increase your faith. Build strong friendships. Put your faith into action. Join the Knights of Columbus and become a better man.
Knights of Columbus Council 8274 raised just over $1,000 at its pancake breakfast fundraiser on October 28, 2018. All of...
The Knights of Columbus Council 8274 raised more than $3,000 from this year’s Drive for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, also...
Help us give winter clothing to kids in need in the Blue Water area. No child deserves to go through...
St. Edward on the Lake Knights of Columbus Council 8274 invites you to enter to win half beef and a...
Make a difference in your parish, community and family. Join the Knights of Columbus.